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📸 Media


voize App



  1. voize on Tagesschau (largest German TV news) (1min)
  2. NTV Report: voize at Caritas Berlin (3min)
  3. Video: voize at Caritas Stuttgart (3min)
  4. Carpe Diem implements voize across the board (8min)

Introduction & Background

:voize-logo-export-4000x4000--2-: What is voize?

voize is a technology that allows caregivers to simply speak their documentation into a smartphone - saving plenty of time that can now be spent with residents. An artificial intelligence understands what caregivers want to document, creates suggestions, and transfers these via interface to the existing documentation system.

💡 Where did the idea for voize come from?

When the grandfather of twin brothers Fabio and Marcel Schmidberger moved to a nursing home, they could experience firsthand how important care is for our society while seeing how time-consuming its documentation is. Caregivers spend almost an hour per day at the PC for documentation - time that's missing from resident care.

Marcel and Fabio Schmidberger, together with Erik Ziegler, made it their mission to make documentation simpler and create more time for care. For this purpose, they founded the startup voize [please note lowercase spelling]. All three studied at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam.

Company Information

:voize-logo-export-4000x4000--2-:voize as a Company

The startup voize develops AI-based software solutions for voice documentation. Since its founding in 2020, voize has specialized in developing an intuitive voice documentation app for the care sector. This was continuously optimized in close cooperation with care providers to make caregivers' daily work easier.

The technology is now also used in other industries, for example at TÃœV, whose inspection engineers use voize AI for defect documentation.